The Jungle Book introduces Mowgli, the human foundling adopted by a family of wolves. It tells of the enmity between him and the tiger Shere Khan, who killed Mowgli’s parents, and of the friendship between the man-cub and Bagheera, the black panther, and Baloo, the sleepy brown bear, who instructs Mowgli in the Laws of the Jungle.
1 cuota de $23.799,00 sin interés | CFT: 0,00% | TEA: 0,00% | Total $23.799,00 |
2 cuotas de $14.579,27 | Total $29.158,53 | |
3 cuotas de $10.103,47 | Total $30.310,41 | |
6 cuotas de $5.798,23 | Total $34.789,38 | |
9 cuotas de $4.242,83 | Total $38.185,50 | |
12 cuotas de $3.429,04 | Total $41.148,47 |
1 cuota de $23.799,00 sin interés | CFT: 0,00% | TEA: 0,00% | Total $23.799,00 |
2 cuotas de $14.722,06 | Total $29.444,12 | |
3 cuotas de $10.246,26 | Total $30.738,79 | |
6 cuotas de $5.941,02 | Total $35.646,14 | |
9 cuotas de $4.385,63 | Total $39.470,64 | |
12 cuotas de $3.571,83 | Total $42.862,00 |
3 cuotas de $11.129,21 | Total $33.387,62 | |
6 cuotas de $6.965,17 | Total $41.791,04 |
3 cuotas de $11.661,51 | Total $34.984,53 | |
6 cuotas de $7.504,62 | Total $45.027,71 |
1 cuota de $23.799,00 sin interés | CFT: 0,00% | TEA: 0,00% | Total $23.799,00 |
3 cuotas de $9.481,52 | Total $28.444,56 | |
6 cuotas de $5.405,55 | Total $32.433,28 | |
12 cuotas de $3.610,70 | Total $43.328,46 |
3 cuotas de $8.478,79 | Total $25.436,37 | |
6 cuotas de $4.521,41 | Total $27.128,48 | |
9 cuotas de $3.213,13 | Total $28.918,16 | |
12 cuotas de $2.568,51 | Total $30.822,08 |
9 cuotas de $4.191,00 | Total $37.719,04 |